Experience working in Agile development following SCRUM process, Sprint and daily stand-up meetings.
Used CoreJavaCollections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading, Serialization, I/O and Java 8 features like Lambda expressions, Stream API, Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application.
Developed UI layer for the application using HTML5, CSS3, Angular 2.0, JavaScript.
Java expression tags were avoided using Bean, HTML and Logic Tags, and used display tags to render large data.
Involved in developing role-based HTML navigational menu, where in menu items change dynamically based on the values derived from database in the form of XML data.
Designed SPA (Single Page Applications) using Angular 2.0 concepts of Components, Directives, Services, Promises, Templating, Scope, Dependency Injection and two-way data binding.
Used Eclipse based Spring Tool Suite (STS) for development and debugging Spring Boot applications.
Used Micro services using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP, Dependency Injection.
Developed and deployed Micro Services based applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Developed controllers and services for handling the requests using Spring Boot.
Integrated Spring and Hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services.
Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine, configured O/R mapping and wrote hibernate queries.
Used J2EE design patterns like Adapter, Service locator, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
Used Spring Ribbon for implementing load balancing among servers.
Used OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol respectively for security and authorization.
Created Remote interfaces using SOAP web services for accessing services across multiple enterprise applications usingJAX-WS.
Used SOA, UDDI lookups and Web Services Description Language(WSDL) using SOAP protocol.
Experience in developing and consuming Web Services using SOAP, HTTP and WSDL.
Consumed messages from JMS-Message driven beans and Active MQ. Integrated Active MQ with Beans.
Experience in Creating, Dropping Indexes, Tables, Stored Procs and Views on Oracle DB.
Performed deployment of applications on WebSphere Application Server8.5.
Designed and deployed a multitude application utilizing almost all the AWS stack which Includes EC2, DockerOrchestration container focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
Deployed the Docker image of services building Docker file and build a continuous delivery pipeline for containers using AWS Code and Amazon ECS.
Worked on XML, XSD and XSLT to parse the request and create the new one based on the specification.
Designed and implemented Oracle11g database to record the collateral securities and settlement data.
Configured IBMWebSphere Application server and used Oracle 11g database to write complex SQL andPL/SQL queries.
Used LOG4J, JUnit for debugging, testing and maintaining the system state.
Used JIRA and supporting CI/CD tools, and JIRA for bug Tracking and Project Management.
Java 1.8, Spring Boot, spring MVC, Spring Cloud, Hibernate, IBM Web Sphere, spring ribbon SOAP, HTML 5.0, CSS 3, Angular 2.0, JavaScript, SQL, PL/SQL, XML, XSD, Oracle 11g, AWS, log4j, OAuth 2.0, Junit
Educational Requirement:
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering(any),Technology or related